Infertility is a partnership... Yet, for many couples this isn't addressed for years.. And the emotional toll usually is heavier on the women! Well, up to 40% of infertility cases are due to male factors that's a lot! In this video, i'm going to discuss factors that can lead up to low sperm quality & count... Fertility is a reflection of your health! The last 90 days are a reflection of your health. You can turn things around in that same amount of time, naturally! Find out more in my FREE masterclass, The 4 Fertility Fixes That Can Triple Your Chances of Pregnancy, Without Harmful Medication or Invasive Procedures If you're ready to do this, book your FREE breakthrough session with me:
Have you been trying to get pregnant and have been told the problem is that your eggs are too old? You're probably scrambling to turn back the clock.... Getting your diet right.... Boosting your supplements.... Trying not to stress! But those lab results, the doctors comments are still racing through your mind, stressing you out! In this video (click on the image), i'll share with you why doctors unnecessarily stress women out, what low amh levels can really mean & what you can do to start changing things in your favor so that you can get pregnant, regardless of your age. Start to boost fertility by watching my FREE presentation of The 4 Secret Fertility Fixes That Can Help Triple Your Chances of Pregnancy, Without IVF or harmful drugs. 3 Reasons Why Fertility Drugs Are Not Your Only Chance For Pregnancy, And What To Do Instead12/17/2019 You've been trying to get pregnant for over a year. It's not happening. you're frustrated, confused, scared that something could be wrong that nobody's catching. You don't know what to do. I get it. You've changed your diet, you've taken all the supplements, you're on a prenatal, you've gone to the doctor, so what else could you possibly do that you haven't done? Now your doctor recommends the next step... Fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation and egg follicles..... You're tense, you're freaking out because deep down in your heart and your gut the answer is a big "Hell NO"! That's not the path you envision. You don't want to take that synthetic junk and put toxins in your body, nobody does! Is this the only option left? To conventional doctors and fertility specialists, it is! And that sucks. So now you're thinking about it because you don't know what else you could possibly do... You may have filled that prescription. You may have these drugs sitting in your refrigerator. And every time you open it to get something to eat, that box is sitting looking right back at you. So what do you do? I'll tell you right now.... The 3 Reasons Why Fertility Hormones Are NOT your only option to get pregnant KNOW YOUR FLOW.... First and foremost, you can't skip the basics regardless of what you are doing, what you're coming in with, what you've been diagnosed with. We all have to start at the basics when it comes to hormonal health & fertility. And that's your period. Are you regular? Are you having normal non disruptive periods? Have you always have had crappy periods? Do you have endometriosis, fibroids? Are your periods heavy and think that's normal? Where are you on this spectrum? No amount of Clomid, FSH, LH gonadotropin hormones or other pills can help you regulate your period. And this is where you need to start because your cycles let you know when you're ovulating. And this is crucial because when you ovulate, there's an egg and there's the possibility of a baby. There's so many clues and fertility treasures in your period. The consistency & color alone can tell you so much about your hormone levels, especially estrogen and progesterone. I know most conventional doctors aren't trained in sitting you down and carefully asking details about your cycle and periods, but that's something I do first and foremost when you're reaching out for help with your fertility. You've gotta get to know your period And that, you can start do naturally every single month. STIMULATING OVULATION & BOOSTING EGG QUALITY Now, the second reason you might be considering fertility drugs is because you've probably been told that it's the only way to stimulate ovulation and egg follicles. WRONG! If you have a hormone imbalance like PCOS & endometriosis, you might already be familiar with anovulatory cycles (no ovulation). And this is serious because 30% of infertility is caused by imbalances that lead to non ovulatory cycles. No ovulation = no babies..... Women who don't know that there are alternatives to dealing with hormone imbalances such as PCOS & Endometriosis so that they can overcome the symptoms and start supporting their bodies, prematurely start fertility drug treatment to stimulate ovulation. From a holistic perspective there are many reasons a woman doesn't ovulate. The obvious are hormone and immune imbalances such as PCOS & Endometriosis, which can be managed with herbs, diet & lifestyle changes. Another very common reason for non ovulatory cycles is your weight. Are you overweight or underweight? These two extremes can really stop ovulation naturally! Just losing 10 pounds can really help reignite the communication signals between your brain and endocrine system so that you start ovulating again. Are you over exercising? Over exercising can stop ovulation. Are you overdoing it and not nourishing your body back? And, finally, how's your stress level? I know, BUT stress does so much and it's not really addressed in conventional medicine. If you take hormone stimulating medications and you don't address your stress levels, good luck. So what's your stress level? Most stress imbalances lead to adrenal imbalances. And these won't show up on standard lab tests. But high stress levels release cortisol, which keeps progesterone levels lower than optimal if you want to have a baby! So take a look at your physical stress, your mental stress, your emotional stress, what stressors are in your environment that you really haven't addressed? NOT SO SAFE & EFFECTIVE Finally, think really hard about fertility drugs. They are not safe and effective. And I know that maybe you've been told or you've read that they are relativity safe. But honestly, I don't think that any drug that's made in the lab is safe when it comes with a huge packet insert that lists a a bunch of side effects. If I saw a food with a length of side effect warning, I wouldn't eat it, neither would you! And I know you know this. And experts do agree that these medications are overprescribed! For example, IVF pioneer Dr. Davis states, Clomid and hyper stimulating drugs are over prescribed. And they're over prescribed because doctors don't have anything else to give patients desperate to have children." The bottom line is that doctors don't know about nutrition and lifestyle. They don't know about herbs, they don't know about stress management, they know about medication, they're chemists, and that's what they're good at. Unfortunately, these drugs have a low success rate (10-13%) per every 12 week cycle! You can end up with headaches, night sweats, even hot flashes. You might end up moody, grumpy and overweight. And the last thing you're going to want to do is have sex to make a baby. Which is ironically the point! So What's A Girl To Do?Fortunately, experts across all fields agree that nutrition and lifestyle changes can turn things around before even considering fertility medication. You just need a really good strategy, focus and believe that you can do it. Your body has been programmed for this. Right now, its fighting against the years of training your body has been programmed NOT to get pregnant! Because, you know, you've lived a life you wanted to live up until this point. And so now its all about supporting your body to build good eggs, ovulate, decrease stress & inflammation. And this can happen in as little as 90 days! 90 days is a direct reflection of your environment & lifestyle choices. So you can create massive change starting now, without subjecting yourself to ineffective and toxic medications. And that's what your really want RIGHT? You can get started by watching The 4 Secret Fertility Fixes To Triple Your Chances of Pregnancy, Without IVF or Harmful Drugs, or you can book a FREE discovery session with me to personally discuss your health & pregnancy goals and how we're going to get you there! Oral thrush, nail fungus, and yep...Vaginal yeast infections are all caused by various Candida species, most commonly Candida albicans. But did you know Candida Albicans is the same yeast that can overgrow in your digestive tract and cause digestive problems? So what’s the difference between an occasional yeast infection and Candida overgrowth? Candida is both a yeast and a fungus. When Candida is in it's yeast stage, it’s just living on the lining of stuff. Think vaginal yeast infection, where it's white and goopy and makes the tissue red and irritated. Candida can exist in the same yeast form in the gut. But - in the gut, Candida can also go into its fungal stage. In its fungal stage, Candida can grow “legs” called hyphae. The legs can permeate into the intercellular space, going into the tissue between the cells. It’s like the Candida is taking root in your gut. This can happen when someone has had a candida overgrowth for many years or has a suppressed immune system. Whatever causes it, once Candida has rooted in, it’s harder to diagnose and to treat. How To Test For Candida Overgrowth In The Gut When Candida has reached its fungal form and the hyphae have grown, it won’t necessarily shed in a stool sample. For that reason, I don’t like to rely only on a stool test to look for Candida. Instead, I look #1 at symptomatology (do you have the symptoms of Candida?). My #2 tool is a special test called an Organ Acids Urinalysis. Organic acids are just amino acids that are the end stage byproducts of different pathways of our metabolism in the body. So for example, there's amino acids that show us different levels of how your detox pathways in the liver or working, or how your brain is processing your brain chemistry. But there are also amino acids that can come out in the urine that are only made by Candida. If I see the urine markers for Candida are elevated, I know that Candida is hiding in the gut. The Order of Operations For Treating Candida Once we’ve established you have a Candida overgrowth, we take a deep breath - because you don’t just want to dive into treating Candida. I call it the order of operations for treating Candida - but it just means I look for underlying and potentially bigger issues (especially parasites) that need to be treated first. If you focus on treating Candida before clearing issues like parasites, you’ll wind up spinning your wheels with a really stubborn case of Candida that can even snowball into SIBO and other issues. Does that sound familiar? It’s not uncommon for me to work with patients who have been trying to treat Candida for 5 or 6 years!
They have to be disciplined about what they eat and the supplements they use to keep symptoms under control - but they never get lasting relief. It’s always exciting to meet clients who are stuck on this hamster wheel because I know exactly how to get them off :) We find and treat the root causes first, then we can finally get the Candida gone for good. That means they can broaden their diet and enjoy life again. If you’re on the Candida hamster wheel and you want off, I’d love to support you. Book your FREE breakthrough session and we'll go over your health history and develop a plan to work together. We've All Got A Type...Tall, handsome, kind, emotionally available..... Oh, wrong topic! That's right, I"m talking about hormonal body types. We all store fat, emotions and toxins in different places. Generally, women store fat around the hips and breast thanks to estrogen, but what happens if you have too much or too little? Or are you just right? Well your body plays the goldilocks part of this story, and will definitely let you know when your hormones are just right, or way off balance. Knowing this simple information can help align you with your health goals as well as your physical, hormonal and even emotional needs. Now.... Are you listening? Which Hormonal Body Type Are You?Empowering or Erratic EstrogenAre you empowered or driven erratic by your estrogen levels? Estrogen is what makes us biologically female. It's what shapes our curves, plumps our breasts, makes us sharp, witty and sexy. It's the hallmark of our fertility. As an added bonus, it helps keep disease causing inflammation at bay. But, too much of a good thing ain't good, right? Estrogen dominance, too much estrogen, is at an all time high. Women are plagued with estrogen dominant conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, pcos, pms and thyroid imbalances. Much of the excess comes from external environmental factors such as consuming too much animal protein and dairy products, even if it's organic, free-range and antibiotic free. These products naturally contain steroidal and growth hormones, which add bulk to your body and make "things" grow. Along with plastics, heavy metals, medications and other proven chemicals known as estrogen disruptors, the accumulation of "estrogens" cause a lot of disruption and confusion in your hormonal pathways. When too much estrogen goes in and not enough comes out, it tends to get stored in the hips, thighs and butt. Too much estrogen can limit the production of progesterone, which leads to those oh so familiar symptoms of pms, acne, irritability, irregular periods, etc. During certain times of the month, too much estrogen can also lead to bloating because of intestinal backup, poor enzyme production and a congested liver. If your estrogen levels don't strike a balance and level out, severe hormonal imbalances such as irregular periods, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis will only get worse. Calm & Collected or Crazy Busy CortisolMost of us live here! Stress comes in different forms: traffic, children, deadlines, love drama, and even too much exercise. Yes, you read that right, over exercising can give you a belly fat. If you're anything like me, stressed, overachieving and busy, I depend on a good dose of endorphins via my workouts to relieve tension. But over time, I started to noticed a small flap over my pants, even though I have chiseled obliques. My abdominal crunches were going nowhere. I was tired. Pushing myself to workout hard. Exercising at the wrong time throughout the month. My body was giving me cues that I needed to slow down and restore. See, high amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone, over long periods of time is not sustainable. And this happens to everybody. There's just too much stress and drama to deal with. But when cortisol is high, insulin (blood sugar) is high. They are co-dependent hormones, and both promote the storage of fat in the belly. It's a survival thing from back in the day..... Fortunately, if you know what phase you are in your cycle, you can combat high cortisol. modify your schedule or workout appropriately during appropriate stages throughout the month. It's a hormonal blueprint that's easy to tap into. Because... We can't go hard and finish strong everyday of the month, we're not designed for that! Get The 5 Step Approach My Clients Use To Overcome Period Agony, Without Medication or SurgeryIn-Line or Insane InsulinDo you skip meals, get hangry, love quick carbs and sugar, struggle with PCOS or have noticed some love handles? All of these are signs of blood sugar imbalances. Although much emphasis gets placed on estrogen when discussing hormonal imbalances, insulin is a major player that needs first hand attention. Now, if you've tried Paleo or Keto diets, with less than stellar, sustainable results, it's mostly because animal protein actually increases insulin levels higher than table sugar! Yup! Too much blood sugar is not just about eating those evil processed carbs. I know, you've probably been told to eat a high protein and fat diet to balance insulin levels.... But.... Results of the Insulin Index of Food Study, revealed meat raised insulin levels higher than an apple, a cup of oatmeal, and even two cups of white pasta. The good news is that balancing insulin can occur in as little as 3 weeks. Imagine how your body and wardrobe would transform in just 3 weeks.... Aren't you excited just thinking about fitting into those cute skinny jeans, or that tight date night dress without the spanx? Terrific or Touchy TestosteroneDo you notice fat stored in your upper arms, low sex drive or fatigue? If so, it could be a sign of low testosterone. While men have more testosterone, women have necessary amounts of testosterone to maintain fertility as well as muscle mass and fat distribution. Low testosterone levels also reveal how well your adrenal glands and ovaries are functioning, since those two glands produce testosterone! And while High Intensity Interval Training and Bootcamp are all the rage (if you're an athlete), it's not for the fatigued and drained. Strength training and weight bearing exercises are a great way to increase lean muscle and testosterone levels, but easy does it. With low testosterone, you're already using your adrenal reserves. Include yoga, pilates and booty barre classes into your regime, they're not easy, but provide tons of benefits to reset your hormones while giving your body some nice shape. So What's Your Type?When it all comes down to it, the female body comes in different shapes and forms. Luckily, our bodies send us messages to check in and confirm how were doing. Now, if your quality of life is suffering, constantly in pain or are morphing into a shape that doesn't make you feel like a sexy badass, the good news is: You can fix it. With the right guidance and strategy in place you can overcome pain and symptoms and reshape the curves of your body as you realign the balance of hormonal power in as little as 3 weeks. Think about it. How much more time do you want to spend hiding behind bulky clothes and spanx while your hormones rage and squash your potential? To help you get started, I've created the Reset Rescue Program, where I guide you through a 28 day eye-opening, foodie experience where you take control of your hormones so that you can get the body you want. After working with hundreds of women battling hormonal challenges, if I know one thing, it’s this: Synthetic Hormones are NOT the Answer! It Starts With What You Eat! I've opened up my calendar to speak to you personally so that you can move forward towards the body you want. I'm excited to talk to each and everyone of you! In the meantime, join my awesome group of Womb Warriors private group and get your questions answered with Live Q & A's, and tons more information on hormonal health. Have you been told by your doctor that your hormone imbalance such as fibroids, PCOS or endometriosis is a result of having bad luck in the gene pool? Thanks Mom! Now, the color of your eyes and hair, the structure of your curves are one thing, but your hormonal agony, fibroids or endo ruining your life is ANOTHER! After hearing about your destined hormonal fate, has the fear set in? Did you start making a mental list of all the women in your life who have had series hormone issues? Maybe you remember how your mother, sisters, aunts or grandma, suffered, maybe secretly, but you knew something was going on because of the endless medication or doctor’s visits that ultimately ended up in surgery, anyway…. And, maybe you’ve now found yourself on those SAME same birth control pills and hormone medication, with no relief…. But now you know WHY! It’s genetic, so what’s the point, it’s set in stone! Sucks….right? Well, the truth is, your health destiny is really in your hands and NOT dictated by your genes, contrary to what your doctor told you. YES!!! See your DNA is really a blueprint that CAN be influenced by your environment! Regardless of the laundry list of diseases that may run in your family, your genes are always interacting and influenced by the environment. The science is called epigenetics (above genetics) and most women’s health conditions, even cancers, are actually caused by not so good lifestyle choices, plus the environmental factors. In fact, studies show that only 10-30% of cancers are linked to faulty genes. That means 70-90% is a result of your environment that revolves around your lifestyle. This includes stress, mindset, nutrition, past or present traumas, viruses, bacterias, chemicals, heavy metal exposure, etc..…. This is good news, right?? I guess it is, IF you get it right….. ROUTINUE OR GENES See, when your doctor blames your condition on your genes, what they FAIL to mention is that families share much more than genes, they share behaviors, beliefs and environments. Think about why you drink cows milk? Maybe you grew up hearing your parents tell you "milk builds strong bones and teeth", or maybe you watched commercials with milk mustached super athletes or supermodels making milk look really good, subconsciously! What if that information was all wrong? And milk is actually harmful to your health, causes your genes to go haywire and promotes the growth of cancer cells! What about grandma’s cooking, or or your favorite comfort foods with that “secret recipe” you may be cooking now.... Have you ever questioned what those "secret" ingredients could do to your body? And, then there’s the beauty routines you picked up along the way… Are you using the same cosmetics, fragrances and bath products that made your mother, sister or best friend look good? What if those pretty packaged products turned out to be hiding very toxic chemicals that affect your hormones? All of these, and so much more, are examples of how your health is influenced by the environment (physically, culturally, socially) because what you put in and on your body creates chemical information that influences your genes! Don’t just take my word for it. The International Federation of Gynecologists & Endocrine Society claim: “Widespread exposure to toxic environmental chemicals threatens healthy human reproduction”. Put another way, it’s the environment that’s affecting our hormones, which can lead to chronic health conditions, not our genes! Learn THE 5 Step Approach My Clients Use To Overcome Period Agony & Hormone Imbalances, Without Medication or Surgery...Estrogen Dominance IS ReversibleWhen it comes down to estrogen dominant conditions such as PCOS, fibroids, cysts and endometriosis, these CAN all be managed and down right reversed by tapping into your built in healing mechanism. See, the name of the game is creating the right foundation and strategy to QUICKLY and EASILY address ALL the root causes that could be influencing your pain and symptoms… Some might include:
This list might seem lengthy and overwhelming if you'd like to try it on your own.
But, if you're quality of life is suffering from dealing with growing fibroids, sharp painful cysts, or the agonizing pain of endometriosis, there's really no time to dabble... TIME is of the essence. Why go at it alone? With the right guidance you can regain your POWER and master the steps needed to reverse your condition. It’s time to flip that ill-guided, but well-meaning, statement by your doctor, and start making the transition from hormonal victimhood to the powerhouse you were meant to be… Many women i've worked this, why can't you? Imagine being THAT woman who jumps out of bed every morning pain free, with crazy natural energy, that doesn’t take a nose dive in the afternoon binging on a latte and donut to get through the rest of the day... Or Being the most radiant woman in the room, kicking butt in the bedroom or boardroom... Or maybe you want your sexy back so you can make way for baby number 1, 2 or 3… You know it's time to change things up. You know it's time to get serious, stop dabbling and trying to do-it-yourself. This is your body, your health and your future.... To help you transition, I've created the Heal Your Womb program, which I guide you through the reality of your condition, but more importantly, how to overcome the pain and symptoms once and for all, without medication or surgery. Whatever your challenges are, I’ve seen them before and I’ve helped many women apply natural solutions, backed by science, to transform their bodies. Make the decision NOW to break free of your pain and symptoms TODAY. I’ve opened up my calendar to speak to women like you who are READY to move forward, NOW…. I’m excited to talk to each and everyone of you! Book your FREE Womb Analysis Session now! In the meantime, join my awesome group of Womb Warriors private group and get your questions answered with Live Q & A's, and tons more information on hormonal health. |