Hitting that extra strength Costco sized bottle of Advil sure may seem like a magic rescue when your period starts, especially at work, I get it, you have to get through the day.
But….What have these pills really done to help you relieve next month’s cramps, your heavy period, your fibroids, cysts or endometriosis? Women with on going pelvic pain, painful, heavy periods produce high levels of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are hormones that cause pain, inflammation and blood clots at sites of injury, so that the body can spark the chemical reactions needed to heal itself. Yes, it’s really their job to cause those cramps and clots! Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs, (Advil, Tylenol, Aspirin, etc.) work to relieve pain by decreasing prostaglandin levels. BUT, because they are synthetic, long term use can lead to serious side effects like liver and kidney failure and intestinal damage (aka leaky gut). Also, they don’t address why you have so much pain every month, or why your fibroids continue to grow. Healing Before Synthetics Did you know that Aspirin and other common pain relievers have their origins in herbal medicine?
Modern day Aspirin, is a research based, scientific miracle ingredient that can prevent heart attacks and relieve pain. It’s active ingredient Salicylic Acid, comes from natural sources found in white willow bark, jasmine and cloves.
The ancient Egyptians used willow bark remedies for aches and pains long before they had ‘scientific knowledge’ and clinical trials. Herbal Remedies Herbal remedies can address the actual causes of your really bad cramps, heavy periods, fibroids and cysts, rather than popping more pills and ending up with some strange thing called leaky gut…. First, you have to understand that holistic practitioners view fibroids and cysts as a symptom, NOT a disease. The most common herbal strategies for relieving cramps, and treating fibroids and cysts are usually based on restoring the underlying imbalances:
Now, can Ibuprofen (Advil) do all this? Herbal Remedies For Really Bad Cramps, Fibroids & Cysts Even though herbs are considered pure forms of healing your body, it requires a strategy. Taking just one herb won't do much, and can cause an imbalance in another system. Learning to put together an herbal formula is an art and takes skill, but the following is based on how an herbalist would begin cleansing and healing the underlying imbalances that can result in fibroids and cysts. You know when you have an annoying head cold and your nose gets running and phlegmy, right. Well, i'm sure you already know that's called congestion. So, your uterus gets congested too. Fibroids and cysts are physical forms of congestion that never get broken up and cleared out of the body. Now that you have a great visual, we've got to use pelvic decongestants to move stagnant blood and tissue and stimulate the lymph system and relax uterine muscles. Mo yao (Myrrh) Ro Yao (Frankincense) Taken internally, they have the ability to move blood, break stasis (masses within size limits) and relieves pain. It can also be used topically. Estrogen dominance and toxin build up from poor liver function is common with fibroids. You've gotta clean up that liver and that's what these hepatic herbs do: Xiang fu (Cyperus) Yu Jin (Curcuma Rhizome) These herbs improve liver function, decrease inflammation and relieve spasms and cramps. Analgesic (pain killers) herbs can be used to relax muscle fibers and decrease menstrual pain.
Bai Shao (white peony)
You may have seen varieties of peony flowers at your local farmer’s market during the spring, but Peony has several medicinal benefits beyond looking pretty. There are three different parts of the peony plant that are used in Chinese herbology. White Peony is a prized ‘woman’s herb’ that replenishes the blood, while dilating uterine vessels to ease the proper flow of blood and prevent menstrual cramps. Yan Hu Suo (corydalis) Corydalis yanhusuo is frequently used for the treatment of pain and various other circulatory problems. It is a powerful aid to enhance the circulation of blood throughout the body, and when combined appropriately, directly to the uterus. Adaptogenic herbs Adaptogenic herbs help the body cope with physical and mental stress, which helps balance the endocrine system. Astragalus Root Astragalus is a highly valued adaptogenic herb that is one of the most powerful immune building plants on the planet. It has the ability to replenish the blood, prevent iron deficiency anemia, decrease inflammation, balance blood sugar and increase energy. This herb is a great addition for women who experience heavy, menstrual bleeding with dizziness and extreme fatigue and those suffering from endometriosis to boost the immune system. Other Natural Remedies For Fibroids There are so many herbal combinations that can successfully be used to relieve pain, stop bleeding, treat fibroids, boost the immune system and relieve stress. But, it’s important to understand that this is only part of a larger holistic plan to help you heal. Nutrition, lifestyle factors and of course stress play major roles in our lives. Poor diet, hidden food sensitivities and blood sugar instability all contribute to the hormonal imbalances that we band-aid with NSAIDs and birth control. Look into proper testing and ways to manage these parts of your life. You can manage periods, treat fibroids and cysts successfully without waiting for them to interfere with your life any further. It may not feel like it to you today, but once you have the right information on how your body works, you can start making the changes you need to heal. Share the love, support and comments. I’d love to hear your story, your frustration, what you’ve tried and your successes with other remedies. Feel free to comment and share this article on Facebook with your fellow sisters who may suffering needlessly. If you’d like help learning how to overcome really bad cramps, treat fibroids and cysts, schedule a FREE 30 minute heal your womb discovery session with me by phone.
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I like to take care of my health, both physical and mental. To avoid deficiencies, I had to adopt a balanced diet and above all use a specific food supplement. It is on this article that I found the product that allowed me to relive and enjoy optimal well-being without health concerns.
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